Friday, May 29, 2009

I totally agree that race and culture are related, culture as in the lifestyle people are practicing, put it in a simple way, we people in illustration for example doing figure drawing, painting, perspective, are the culture that we are practicing so we call ourselves illustrator or Ilians or whatever lol, and if u are doing 3d modeling 2d flash maya u call yourselves animator la, simple. . . . . hope i m making sense lol.....

Friday, May 22, 2009

All i can say now is stress, is all because of nad, thomas, sack, danny, and some class 3,4 tin choi, think i have to join forces with san yaun to eliminate those tin choi. For now drawing > sleeping thus sleeping < drawing.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

宣布死亡时间 00:18:49
still have to move on
because i am a spartan lol

Sunday, May 10, 2009

最近在忙什么?忙着享受假期 在假期忙着睡觉 每天都大睡八个钟以上 忙着看戏 check out gossipgirl 忙着练习 快要到major year 了显然我的画还需要多加点功夫 忙着玩 去了新加坡找毛毛打了个通宵游戏王 忙着找 找回以前的工作狂找些推动力找你找我